Book review
Research-based strategies to ignite student learning
by J. Willis M.D.,
Reviewed by
Cynthia C. Coleman
University of the Pacific, Bernerd School of Education,
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Stockton, CA;
“Our job is not to be the opposition to their ideas, but to
be flexible, living, breathing, organic and responsive to
students’ ideas to help them embrace their dreams so they
can channel their enthusiasm positively rather than cut if
off because they don’t conform to a lesson plan.” (Willis,
2006, p.67).
Research-Based Strategies to Ignite Student Learning offers
education professionals a glance at the tools and research
essential to access student cogitation and learning
strategies. The lens from which this book is reviewed is
that of an upper grade elementary teacher with a
fascination for neuroscience. Having spent a significant
portion of my existence immersed in education, my goal is
to seek ways to engage students in learning decisions based
on current learning-centered brain research. In today’s
accountability-driven environment, frenzied educators
strive to develop an integrated, relevant, and measurable
curriculum while presenting engaging subject matter. To
inspire student learning, educators rely on the validity of
resources such as Research-Based Strategies to Ignite
Student Learning. Willis’ endeavor to translate research
into practical methods and theories through a discussion of
brain development, brain activity and the powerful
discoveries of leading brain research launches the
groundwork for educators interested in the neuroscientific
basis of learning. She contends that the knowledge of
neuroscience study will benefit educators, administrators
and professional development specialists in this endeavor
of refining students’ erudition, giving progressive
instruction a biological foundation.
Although the text is satiated with technical neuroscience
research terms, the book functions as a guide for the
creation of classroom instructional strategies in
connection with brain-based learning. This breakthrough
opens up exciting new territory for education
professionals. Willis’ research verifies the understanding
that brain processes reveal innovative perspectives on
instruction. Educators resembling myself value the
opportunities of problem-solving activities, critical
analysis, evidence gathering, and clear communication
combined with successful brain-based and long-term
learning. Research-Based Strategies to Ignite Student
Learning includes the scientific research to benefit
effective focusing, sustained attentiveness, active
learning, storing, connecting and retrieval of learned
material in the brain (Willis, 2006, p. ix). With her 15
years of experience as a neurologist, and her expertise as
a classroom teacher, Willis aspires to assist other
education professionals in gaining the neuroscientific
background needed to evaluate brain research and to apply
the research to instruction compelling educators to accept
as factual the research she has done. The literature is
organized into five parts. In each chapter Willis
meticulously explores neuroimaging and brain mapping. She
extends this knowledge beyond the confines of medical and
psychological study, and links these essentials to how
educators can utilize powerful brain research into their
classrooms and curriculum.
Memory, Learning and Test-Taking Strategies
Throughout this segment of the book Willis targets teachers
as “brain cell producers”, and encourages them to make
practical application of neuroscientists’ discoveries. A
review of brain anatomy provides the educator an
opportunity to make the connections needed to deliver
brain-compatible lessons. In an attempt to clearly
translate current research, Willis includes a brief section
in each chapter, titled “Gray Matter”, which presents the
reader with valuable, in-depth information for exploration
into the neuroscience of the brain. The technical terms and
information furnish the reader with a greater understanding
of how brain functions put learning into a new perspective.
The author provides the key to understanding what appears
to be a never ending stream of technical scientific terms,
so the reader can interpret and connect the information to
how learning occurs.
Dendrites, the amygdala, and synapse are features of the
brain that focus on memory, learning and the retention of
information. Willis defines dendrites as extensions that
sprout out from electrically excitable cells, classified as
neurons. Dendrites allow for a large number of neurons to
interconnect, forming a network resembling the aggregate of
ice crystals that create a snowflake. Dendrites increase in
size and number in response to learned skills, experiences
and information (Willis, 2006, p.1). Willis offers valuable
suggestions for preparing lessons associated with dendrite
growth. She reminds educators to present material visually
and in an auditory fashion as well as provide opportunities
for interaction with the material students are learning.
Partner discussion, popcorn reading, think-pair-share, note
taking, “dendwrites” (Willis, 2006, p.11), as Willis refers
to it, and peer editing also promote dendrite growth.
Willis emphasizes that because the brain organizes and
stores information in patterns, it is important to present
ideas in the same manner. A graphic organizer is a useful
tool to achieve this goal.
Although one of the dynamics observed in brain based
learning is increased dendrite growth, more importantly,
says Willis, when the brain over processes, the amygdala,
part of the limbic system in the temporal lobe, senses
stress (Willis, 2006, p.24). It becomes overactive,
blocking activity to higher cognitive parts of the brain.
Communication of information between neurotransmitters is
accomplished by movement of chemicals across a small gap
called the synapse. Stress tends to deplete these
neurotransmitters and slows the process of information.
Willis includes suggestions to assist teachers when
students become overloaded. As most veteran teachers know,
students become fidgety, distracted and unfocused. This
leads to student frustration and less efficient learning
levels. The brain requests a rest. Willis uses a play on
words and refers to this rest as a “syn-nap” (Willis, 2006,
p.26). A review and preview, where the teacher stops
teaching for a short period of time, gives students a time
for reflection. In addition a drink of water, stretching,
or a bathroom break also allows students to revitalize.
Without question, the impact of standardized testing and
the rigorous academic push to saturate students with rote
memorization prompts the amygdala to sense stress and
provides no beneficial student achievement.
Strategies to Capture Students’ Attention
Willis synthesizes this section into curriculum
applications concentrating on how the brain chooses what
information. The thalamus, a mass of gray matter cells
located at the top of the brainstem, processes sensory
input and decides what input stays in the temporary
awareness and what is moved to memory storage (Willis,
2006, p.40). In addressing the issue of teacher
effectiveness, Willis offers three words of advice:
“Captivate your audience!” Her innovative methodology
stresses student focused attention and maximizes learner
engagement and achievement. Her examples are clear and
inspiring and the approach can be immediately put to use.
To increase intrinsic motivation, improve attitudes, and
strengthen memory Willis recommends changing the learning
environment through physical need, self-choice, and
uniqueness, with simple adjustments including lighting,
color choices, and seating. Creating and delivering
curriculum through humor and visuals captivates students’
interest. Asking open-ended questions will force students
to connect to their own experiences and interests. Allowing
students a choice in selecting their learning activity
produces creativity and problem-solving strategies.
Providing opportunities for students’ minds to stay
connected and thinking builds student interest as well.
Another authentic connection to student interest is the
often overlooked teachable moment. “Powerful opportunities
arise when students’ responses to the emotional impact of
teachable moments are supported (Willis, 2006, p.48).”
How Stress and Emotion Affect Learning
In this section, Willis explains why stress inhibits
information flow to the brain. Stress releases a chemical
called trimethyltin, which disrupts cell-development,
impairs short-term memory, and reduces long-term memory
(Willis, 2006, p.59). Willis provides numerous implications
to reduce stress. She recommends exploring subject matter
so that lessons are stimulating and challenging without
intimidation. She once more reminds educators to ask
open-ended, thought provoking questions to force students
to use their thinking skills. Encouraging students to find
their own connections in their learning is essential.
Including physical activity in daily lesson plans is a
necessity. Physical activity increases blood flow and
oxygen to the brain, growth of additional capillaries to
keep up with brain growth and increased levels of dopamine
and serotonin to sustain attention and concentration
(Willis, 2006, p.73). In essence, the intent of this
section is to offer suggestions to reduce stress and
nurture student confidence. Teachers must take the time to
listen and respect student opinion, welcome students’
unique characteristics, and help enforce a school community
of respect so that all students will achieve their highest
Assessments That Build Dendrites
Willis concentrates on practical implications. Instruction
based on learning research replicates the brain’s
processing of information by patterning. Willis recommends
the use of rubrics to help students plan, monitor, adjust,
and stay on focus. Rubrics correlate effort with success
and function in a similar fashion to the way the brain
processes information. In addition to rubrics, Willis
includes suggestions for homework. She emphasizes that
homework must have a purpose and must be an activity that
students can learn from and where they can find success.
The most significant impact of this portion is Willis’
advice in handling standardized testing. She offers several
strategies to reduce test anxiety. Most importantly,
teachers should equip students with a practice format,
reinforce that incorrect answers do not make students poor
learners, and allow a stretch after a certain time period
to refresh the depleted brain.
Afterward: The Future Is Now
The art of teaching requires flexibility and creativity.
Awareness of brain functions and its applications to
classroom learning is a remarkable alternative to the rigor
enforced in many of our schools today. Research-Based
Strategies to Ignite Student Learning clearly defines the
characteristics and learning implications of brain-based
research in an atmosphere where the educator can
familiarize and feel comfortable with the scientific
terminology of neuroscience and connect it to specific
classroom strategies. For those of who can’t do without it,
a complete brain glossary is located at the rear portion of
the book. As the reviewer, I am certainly in agreement with
the basic foundation of the book, although many of the
learning-strategies suggested are geared toward the
beginning teacher. On the contrary, I enjoyed a fresh
review of classroom practices evaluated in the book. The
practices help to augment and enhance the repertoire of
teaching strategies I as a skilled educator already
possesses. The potential pitfall in this book is minimized
by the inclusion of background information making this book
an invaluable guide to the novice who is absorbed with the
field of neurology and its connection to the art of
teaching and may want to explore further in relation to
this intriguing topic.