On the right, under Publications , click on Articles to find the ones that have direct links. If there is one you are interested in without a link, let me know and I’ll send you my original copy that was printed in the article. You can also find my free book chapters if you click on  the word  Books.
several links are included in the list below.


Learning to Love Math: Teaching Strategies that Change Student Attitudes and Get Results, ASCD July 13, 2010

How Your Child Learns Best: Brain Friendly Strategies to Ignite Your Student's Learning and Increase School Success - published October 2008 Sourcebooks

Teaching the Brain to Read: Strategies for Improving Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension - published August 2008 ASCD
Teaching the Brain to Read is available as an audiobook through Amazon.com, The AudioBookstore.com, iTunes, and other audiobook retailers. You can listen to a sample here: http://www.theaudiobookstore.com/judy-willis/teaching-brain-read-strategies_b009k8r61o.aspx

Inspiring Middle School Minds:
Gifted, Creative, and Challenging

Brain- and Research-Based Strategies to
Enhance Learning for Gifted Students - March 2009 Great Potentials Press

Brain-Friendly Strategies for the Inclusion Classroom published - May 2007 ASCD

Research-Based Strategies To Ignite Student Learning: Insights from a Neurologist/Classroom Teacher, ASCD 2006. Finalist for Distinguished Achievement Award for educational writing by the Association for Educational Publishers. ASCD Best Seller
Now translated into Arabic, Korean

Cooperative Learning: Accessing Our Highest Human Potential. A chapter in, The Power of the Social Brain Editors: Art Costa & Wilson O’Leary. New York: Teachers College Press.

Current Impact of Neuroscience in Teaching and Learning. A chapter in, Mind, Brain, and Education Ed. D. Sousa. Solution Tree Press, 2010.


Willis, J.A. (2017) Rewire Your Burned-out Brain. Psychology Today Sept 18, 2017https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/radical-teaching/201709/rewire-your-burned-out-brain

Willis, J.A. (2017)
The neuroscience of narratives for memory. Edutopia. Sept 12, 2017. https://www.edutopia.org/article/neuroscience-narrative-and-memory

Willis, J.A. (2017) Connecting Brain Research With the Art of Teaching. School Administrator Journal of AASA: The School Superintendents Association. September 2017 http://my.aasa.org/AASA/Resources/SAMag/2017/Sep17/Willis.aspx
Willis, J.A. (2017) Helping students build optimal sleep habits on npj Science of Learning Community.

Willis, J.A. (2017)
Building Students' Cognitive Flexibility: Classroom strategies for helping children think creatively. NPJ NATURE Science of Learning. The fifth of a five-part weekly series about building executive functions. Aug 13, 2017 https://npjscilearncommunity.nature.com/users/20252-judy-willis/posts/19380-building-students-cognitive-flexibility

Willis, J.A. (2017)
Critical Analysis and Information Literacy NPJ NATURE Science of Learning. August 1. The forth of a five-part weekly series about teen brain executive functions. http://go.nature.com/2wfKVPe

 Willis, J.A. (2017) Brain-Based Strategies to Reduce Test Stress. Edutopia. Apr 7, 2017.

Willis, J.A. (2017) Encouraging good judgement in students npj NATURE Science of Learning. July 19, 2017 https://npjscilearncommunity.nature.com/posts/18707-encouraging-good-judgement-in-students

Willis, J.A. (2017)
The keys to better prioritizing and time planning for teens.
The second of a five part five-part weekly series about teen brain executive functions.
NATURE: NPJ Science of Learning Journal. July 6, 2017 https://npjscilearncommunity.nature.com/users/20252-judy-willis/posts/18370-the-keys-to-better-prioritizing-and-time-planning

Willis, J.A. (2017)
Teaching teenagers to organize themselves through the dynamic brain changes of adolescence. The first of a five part five-part weekly series about teen brain executive functions. NATURE Science of Learning Journal. Part 1 June 30 2017 http://go.nature.com/2tyBMTQ.

Willis, J.A. (2017)
Resilience - A Sustaining Gift for Your Children. Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/radical-teaching/201706/resilience-sustaining-gift-your-children

Willis, J.A. (2017) Brain-Based Strategies to Reduce Test Stress. Edutopia. Apr 7, 2017.

Willis, J.A. (2017) Kindling Your Child’s Enthusiasm for School. Psychology Today. March 18, 2017. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/radical-teaching/201703/kindling-your-child-s-enthusiasm-school

Willis, J.A. (2017) Highlighting for Understanding of Complex Text. STEM Magazine. March 2017. P32-44.

Willis, J. A. (2016). Brain Break Power Plan Best Learning. Edutopia. December 6, 2016

Willis, J. A. (2016).
The High Costs of Multitasking for You and Your Kids. Psychology Today. Nov 29, 2016.

Willis, J. A. (2016).
Conquering the Multitasking Brain Drain. Edutopia. October 25, 2016

Willis, J. A. (2016).
Combining Science with the Art of Teaching STEM Magazine Sept 2016 http://cloud.flipb.com/stem-magazine/gSEPT16/index.html

Willis, J.A. (2016)
Memorizing: Faster, Easier, and More Fun. Psychology Today. Sept 5, 2016 https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/radical-teaching/201609/memorizing-faster-easier-longer-lasting-and-more-fun

Willis, J. A. (2016). Five steps to developing students’ mindsets for tomorrow’s challenges. Barclays’ LifeSkills Expert Blog. September 1, 2016. https://www.barclayslifeskills.com/teachers/blog/five-steps-to-developing-students-life-skills-for-the-future/#.V8mjMfTz9wM.mailto

Willis, J. A. (2016).
The Science of Homework STEM Magazine Sept 2016 http://cloud.flipb.com/stem-magazine/gSEPT16/index.html

Willis, J. A. (2016).
The Neurological Reason Why Your Middle Schooler Acts Like a Toddler.Education Nation Parent Toolkit. August 25, 2016

Willis, J. A. (2016).
Help Your Middle Schooler Go from Survive to Thrive. Education Nation Parent Toolkit. August 21, 2016. http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=29315870-63E1-11E6-A4B10050569A5318

Willis, J. A. (2016).
How to Get Kids to Focus Staff Expert Blog NBC Education Nation Parent Toolkit August 08, 2016 http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=7A7CB2D0-5B51-11E6-838E0050569A5318&utm_source=social&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=blog

Willis, J. A. (2016). Building Students' Cognitive Flexibility. Edutopia. July 22, 2016

Willis, J. A. (2016). Critical Analysis and Information Literacy Edutopia June 21, 2016 http://www.edutopia.org/blog/critical-analysis-and-information-literacy-judy-willis?utm_campaign=node_author_alert&utm_source=edutopia&utm_medium=email

Willis, J. A. (2016). Judgment: Navigating Choices and Decisions. May 3, 2016. Edutopia

Willis, J.A. (2016)
THE Blog Your Teenager Must Read. Psychology Today. June 10, 2016. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/radical-teaching/201606/the-blog-your-teenager-must-read

Willis, J. A. (2016).
From Math Negative to Math Positive Attitudes in Your Children. Psychology Today March 15, 2016. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/radical-teaching/201603/math-negative-math-positive-attitudes-in-your-childr

Why Gifted Children Fail and How to Prevent It. NBC Education Nation Parent Toolkit. Feb 15, 2016 http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=1E408A30-D052-11E5-89A40050569A5318&utm_source=social&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=blog%20post

Brain Development and Adolescent Growth Spurts. Edutopia. February 11, 2016.

Matching Edtech Products With Neurological Learning Goals. Edutopia Staff Blog. Jan. 28, 2016 http://www.edutopia.org/blog/edtech-products-neurological-learning-goals-judy-willis

The science of resilience: how to teach students to persevere. January 12.
The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/2016/jan/12/science-resilience-how-to-teach-students-persevere?CMP=share_btn_link

Neuromyths and Edu-Ca$h-in: Vetting the "Expert" Claims
Edutopia. January 8, 2016 http://www.edutopia.org/blog/neuromyths-educashin-vetting-expert-claims-judy-willis?utm_campaign=node_author_alert&utm_source=edutopia&utm_medium=email

Build Your Young Child’s Future School Success NOW. Psychology Today Online. June 27 2015. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/radical-teaching/201506/build-your-young-child-s-future-school-success-now * Featured as Essential Read

Willis, J.A. (2015) How the Memory works in learning, Teach Thought June 6

Willis, J.A. (2015). Brain science: the answer to helping primary pupils cope with exam stress. The Guardian http://gu.com/p/485at/sbl May 7, 2015

How to Turn Test Stress into Studying Success. Education Nation Parent Toolkit http://bit.ly/1EQMzts May 04, 2015

Prime Your Child’s Reading and Math Development with Patterning Games. Dr. Judy Willis. Psychology Today. April 2015 http://bit.ly/1GkGXro

Willis,J.A. Research-Based? When A Lab Is Not A Classroom, Teach Thought. March 31, 2015. http://www.corewww.teachthought.com/learning/research-based-when-a-lab-is-not-a-classroom/

Willis, J.A. Writing Sprouts Conceptual Brain Networks from the STEMs of Math and Science https://www.munster.us/Portals/0/Documents/Gilworth/STEM%20January%2015.pdf
Willis, J.A. (2015) Building Brain CellsAssessments that Build Brain Cells S.T.E.M. Magazine April. http://bit.ly/1GUMwve

Willis, J.A. (2015).  “I Hate Math” – Ways to Instill a Love of Math in Kids March 30, 2015 Education Nation Parent Toolkit  http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=3F239F10-D3E8-11E4-8E8A0050569A5318#

Willis, J.A. (2015) The Science of Homework: Tips to Engage Students' Brains 23 February 2015 THE GUARDIAN http://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/2015/feb/23/science-homework-students-brains-learning

Willlis, J.A. (2015). Highlighting for Understanding of Complex Test. Stem Magazine. Feb, 2015 } http://www.stemmagazine.com/global215/mobile/index.html?doc=31F707D4E9A980C7287999BBC793DF02&page=1#{"docid":"31F707D4E9A980C7287999BBC793DF02","page":6 Page 7

Willis, J.A. (2015). 
Homework Should be Given for Mastery of a Subject, Not as Busy Work: NBC News Education Nation Parent Toolkit. February 09, 2015 http://bit.ly/1EivYtJ
Willis, J.A. (2015). 
Top Ten Favorite Tips to Improve Children’s Memory. Psychology Today Online. Jan 21, 2015 http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/radical-teaching/201501/top-ten-favorite-tips-improve-children-s-memory
Willis, J.A. (2015).
The High Cost of Neuromyths in Education. Edutopia January 16, 2015
Willis, J.A. (2015).  
How to use brain science to engage students after the holidays. The Guardian January 3, 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/2015/jan/03/how-engage-students-lessons-after-holidays
Willis, J.A. (2015).
Celebrating Literacy With The Reading/Pleasure Cycle. TeachThought. 06/16/2014, http://www.teachthought.com/literacy-2/celebrating-literacy-reading-pleasure-cycle/
Willis,JA 2015 S.T.E.M. Magazine: The Best of 2014 https://www.munster.us/Portals/0/Documents/Gilworth/STEM%20January%2015.pdf

Willis, J.A. (2014). Three ways teachers can wind down effectively after a long term. The Guardian December 18, 2014 http://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/2014/dec/18/teachers-wind-down-term?CMP=share_btn_tw
Willis, J.A. (2014).
What Edtech Can You Trust? Edutopia Staff blog. November 18, 2014.
Willis, J.A. (2014). Teacher's guide to sleep – and why it matters. The Guardian Nov 11, 2014 http://gu.com/p/433fm/sbl

Willis, J.A. (2014). Grasp the effects of math-related stress. STEM Magazine. P 18-24. November 2014. http://www.stemmagazine.com/Nov.%20STEM.pdf

Willis, J.A. (2014).
Reversing Math Negativity. STEM Magazine October 2014 http://www.stemmagazine.com/Oct.STEM.pdf

Willis, J.A. (2014)
The Goldilocks Zone of Game-Based Learning. ASCD Express. July 3, 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 20. http://www.ascd.org/ascd-express/vol9/920 willis.aspx?utm_source=ascdexpress&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=express920

Willis, J.A. (2014).
Help Your Children Learn To Love Math By Reversing Math Negativity Expert Beacon http://expertbeacon.com/experts/judy-willis

Willis, J.A. (2014)
The Neuroscience Behind Stress and Learning edut.to/1wFeliZ  Edutopia Staff Blog. July 18, 2014

Willis, J.A. (2014). C
elebrating Literacy With The Reading/Pleasure Cycle. TeachThought. 06/16/2014, http://www.teachthought.com/literacy-2/celebrating-literacy-reading-pleasure-cycle/

Willis, J.A. (2014). Inspiring Readers Through the Summer Slump. Edutopia. June 16, 2014 http://www.edutopia.org/blog/parents-readers-through-summer-slump-judy-willis
Willis, J.A. (2014).
A Gift Parents Can Give Children that Money Can’t Buy. NBC Education Nation Staff Blog. June 9, 2014 http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=00913E00-EDBC-11E3-9B6B0050569A5318
Willis, J.A. (2014).
Planning for the Ideal Emotional Atmosphere - in June STEM Magazine. P12 http://www.stemmagazine.com/STEMJune14.pdf
Willis, J.A. (2014).
How Childrens' Sleepy Brains Fail Them. NBC NEWS Education Nation Featured Expert Blog April 28 bit.ly/1lJL1Yy
Willis, J.W. (2014)
Neuroscience reveals that boredom hurts. Phi Delta Kappan. 95 (8). P 28-32.

Willis, J.A. (2014). Improving How We Review Edtech: 3 Case Studies. Edutopia. April 18, 2014 http://www.edutopia.org/blog/improving-how-we-review-edtech-judy-willis?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=blog-improving-review-edtech

Willis, J.A. (2014). How to Rewire Your Burned Out Brain: Tips from a Neurologist. S.T.E.M. Magazine. April 2014. P 9-15. http://issuu.com/carleygroup/docs/4141044/9?e=3445974/7324137
Willis, J.A. (2014). Willis, J.A. (2014)
Three Questions To Consider Before You Give A Test. TeachTought Issue 3/16/2014.
Willis, J.A. (2014).
Five Assessment Forms That Promote Content Retention Edutopia Staff Blog. Mar 17, 2014. http://www.edutopia.org/blog/assessment-forms-promote-content-retention-judy-willis?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=blog-assessment-forms-retention
Willis, J.A. (2014).
 What Does Neuroscience Research Say About Motivation And The Brain? In Partnership for 21 Century Skills http://www.p21.org/news-events/p21blog/1318-judy-willis-what-does-neuroscience-research-say-about-motivation-and-the-brain
Willis, J. A. (2014)
Helping Students Understand What a Test Is and Is Not. Edutopia February 19, 2014 http://www.edutopia.org/blog/what-test-is-and-isnt-judy-willis?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=blog-what-test-not
Willis, J. A. (2014).
The Neuroscience of Learning. Teachers Matter. Issue 24. February 2014.
Willis, J.A. (2014).
NBC News Education Nation Staff Blog: Good Praise, Bad Praise

Willis, J.A. (2014).
Beyond the Comfort Zone: 6 Ways to Build Independent Thinking.
Edutopia Jan 10, 2014. http://www.edutopia.org/blog/beyond-comfort-zone-independent-thinking-judy-willis?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=blog-beyond-comfort-zone

Willis, J. A. (2013). The Neurological Explanation For Practice Makes Perfect TeachThought http://www.teachthought.com/learning/the-neurological-explanation-for-practice-makes-perfect/
Willis, J.A. (2013). b TeachThought 11/09/2013 http://www.teachthought.com/learning/2-hands-on-games-to-help-students-understand-their-brains/

Willis, J. A. (2013). Giftedness Not Unwrapped - We All Lose: Unwrapping Children’s Unrecognized Giftedness. Psychology Today http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/radical-teaching/201302/giftedness-not-unwrapped-we-all-lose

Willis, J.A. (2013). What to Do About Your Teenager’s “Eye-roll” Psychology Today Online http://bit.ly/11i0deK

Willis, J.A. (2013). Growing Up Bilingual - A Brain Boosting Head Start. New Routes Journal. p30-33.

Willis, J. (2013). Empower Students With Brain Knowledge. Principal Journal (NAESP). Mar/Apr 2-13. P 18-21.

Willis, J. A. (2013). Success on Standardized Tests without Sacrificing Authentic Learning. STEM Magazine. Jan - Feb 2013 http://issuu.com/carleygroup/docs/stem_magazine_final_jan._2013_web/12

Willis, J.A. (2013).
Why Teacher Education Should Include Neuroscience. Teach for Thought. http://www.teachthought.com/learning/why-teacher-education-should-include-neuroscience/
Search Judy Willis

Willis, J. A. (2013).
Why You Bore Students & What You Can Do About It. Teach for Thought. http://www.teachthought.com/learning/better-teaching-why-you-bore-students-and-what-you-can-do-about-it/

Willis, J.A. (2013). W
hy Teacher Education Should Include Neuroscience. http://www.teachthought.com/learning/why-teacher-education-should-include-neuroscience/

Willis, J. A. (2013).
Experienced Teachers Reflect on Their First Year. Edutopia.
PART 1 Sept 2012 http://www.edutopia.org/blog/teachers-reflect-on-first-year-judy-willis
PART 2 Jan 2013

Willis, J.A. (2013). T
wice-exceptional Children, Exceptional Challenges –
A Brain-based View.
Gifted Education Communicator. Publication of the California Association for the Gifted. Winter 2013.

Willis, J.A. (2013)
Bilingual Brains – Smarter & Faster. Psychology Today Online. Nov 22, 2012

Willis, J.A. (2012). How The Memory Works In Learning
. Teach for Thought. http://www.teachthought.com/learning/how-the-memory-works-in-learning/

Willis, J.A. (2012). Video Game Learning for Equity for NPR LA Affiliate Dec 2012

Willis, J. A. (2012). Using Cooperative Learning in Middle School.
MiddleWeb Guest Article by Dr. Judy Willis

Willis, J. A. (2012).
A Primer: Neuroscience and Teaching Strategies. ASCD 2012.

Willis, J. A. (2012). Experienced Teachers Reflect on Their First Year. August 23 2012

Willis, J. A. (2012).
How to Rewire Your Burned-Out Brain: Tips from a Neurologist edutopia. May 22, 2012 http://www.edutopia.org/blog/teacher-burnout-neurology-judy-willis-md

Willis, J. A. (2012).
What Would a School Designed By Your Brain Look Like? ASCD. May 22, 2012. http://bit.ly/KHVs7A

Willis, J. A. (2012).
Bad for the Brain: Goodbye to Unsustainable Education Models. The future of testing with internet access. edutopia. June 13, 2012.

Willis, J. A. (2012). Neuroscience and the Bilingual Brain: Bilingual Kids Get a Powerful Cognitive Boost. edutopia http://bit.ly/GGjCgi

Willis, J. A. (2011). Writing Sprouts Conceptual Brain Networks from the STEM of Math and Science.
S.T.E.M. Magazine 2011. http://issuu.com/carleygroup/docs/stem_magazine_preview/13

Willis, J.A. (2011). Sustaining Attention in the Digital Age.
Teachers Matter Magazine. Issue 15. New Zealand

Willis, J.W. (2011) Twice-Exceptional Children Have Exceptional Challenges Now – A Brain-based View. 2E-Online Publication

Willis, J.A. 2011. Want Children to “Pay Attention”? Make Their Brains Curious!
Force-feeding won’t work even on a hungry brain.
Psychology Today Online. http://bit.ly/rtoI3a

Willis, J.A. (2011).
Landscapes Journal of the Graduate School of Education McGill University: Special Issue Mind, Brain and Education. Nurturing Students’ Brains for the Future

Willis, J.W. (2011). Attention with red wagons and radishes: Add the science of learning to the art of teaching.
Teachers Matter. Issue 12. (New Zealand)

Willis, J.W. (2011) Twice-Exceptional Children Have Exceptional Challenges Now –
A Brain-based View. 2E-Online Publication

Willis, J.A. (2011). Teachers are the Caretakers of Students’ Future Potentials: Their Executive Functions. Edutopia Staff Five-Part Series for Summer Professional Development http://www.edutopia.org/blog/understanding-how-the-brain-thinks-judy-willis-md
Part 1: Where and How the Brain Thinks:
Part 2: Strategies for Teaching Executive Functions
Part 3: Writing is Neuro-
logical Nourishment for the Executive Functions
Part 4: Creativity and the Arts to Get Learning to the Thinking Brain
Part 5: Nurture Creativity to For the Prefrontal Cortex Triad:
Functions, Long-Term Memory, and Emotional Self-Control

Willis, J.W. (2011). Transform Student Negativity into Motivation. Teachers Matter. Issue 13. (New Zealand)

Understanding by Design Meets Neuroscience: Teaching to the Test and Rote Memory Tests as Measurement of Achievement are Not Neuro-logical for Successful, Joyful, Learning (2011)
Part 1 and 2 plus link to pdf:

Why Writing Is Crucial to STEM: Part I of a series on the importance of writing across the curriculum (2011)
Why Writing Is Crucial to STEM

It’s About Me! Not Just Someone Else’s Science and Math: Part II of a series on the importance of writing across the curriculum (2011) http://edge.ascd.org/_Its-About-Me-Not-Just-Someone-Elses-Science-and-Math/blog/4276886/127586.html?b=

Willis, J.W. (12/2010) Building Math Positivity.
Edutopia Guest Blog http://www.edutopia.org/blog/building-math-positivity

Willis, J.W. (November 2010) The Neuro-logical Embedding of Arts Across the Curriculum. ASCD The Whole Child: 4 part series:

Willis, J.W. (Fall 2010)
Rubrics as a Doorway to Achievable Challenge. New Horizons for Learning, Journal of Graduate School of Education, Johns Hopkins University. Fall 2010 http://education.jhu.edu/newhorizons/Journals/Fall2010/Willis

Willis, J. 2010. Teaching Students A “Brain Owner’s Manual”.
New Horizons for Learning Quarterly of Johns Hopkins University School of Education http://education.jhu.edu/newhorizons/spring2010/willis-2/

Willis, J. Spring 2010. Brain Development: Enlightening Our Students.
Leadership in Focus: The Journal for Australasian School Leaders. (Australia) P32-35

Willis, J. (2010) Neuro-logical Destressing of Test Taking.
Principal Matters : The Journal Secondary School Leaders in Australia. Winter 2010 43: 14-17.

Willis, J. (2010) A guide to drugs and the adolescent brain.
Principal Matters. Spring 2010. Australia

Willis, J. (2009) Memory Enhancing Teaching and Learning.
ProPointers segment of Oct 25 issue of
Solutions, Journal from Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education.

Willis, J. “A Brain Owner’s Manual”
December 2009—January 2010 issue Formerly titled:
How to Teach Students About the Brain and pdf What You Should Know About Your Brain
Educational Leadership Volume 67/ Number 4

Willis,J. (2009) "How to Teach Students About the Brain"
Educational Leadership 67:4

Willis, J. (2009) Neuro-logical Destressing of Test Taking. Leadership in Focus (Australia)

Willis, J.A. ( 2009) Unwrapping Gifts in Middle School.
Middle School Journal

Willis, J.A. (2009). Transforming Substance into Significance. Writer's Stylus, p 99-101.

Willis, J. A. (Summer, 2009) Boredom is a Brain Turn Off. Learning Strategies Center On-Line Newsletter June 18, 2009.

Willis, J.A. . (Summer, 2009) How Students’ Sleepy Brains Fail Them. Kappa Delta Pi Record, . Vol. 45, No. 4: p 158-162.

Willis, J.A. (2009). What the Brain Suggests for Teaching Reading Strategies. Educational Forum, Oct 2009.

Willis, J. A. (2009). K-12 Teachers Alliance Journal. Improving Student Memory and Retention. Winter 2009. WEB TeachHUB.com

Willis, J. (2008). Cooperative Learning is Brain-Friendly. The Kagen Online Magazine Issue 39. Special Article #1:

Willis, J.A. (2008). R.A.D. Inquiry, Neuroscience, and Brain Research-Based Learning, National Science Digital Library, Expert Voices. May 2008.

Willis, J. A. (2008). Information into Knowledge: Teacher and Neuroscientist shares her RAD teaching strategies for bypassing the brain filters to increase student engagement, motivation, and memory as they turn information into knowledge. CAIS Faculty Newsletter, Spring 2008. P 4-7.

Willis, J.A. (February, 2008), Building a Bridge from Neuroscience to the Classroom.
Phi Delta Kappan. Special Brain Research Issue.

Willis, J.A. (2008). Death Nell for the Bell Curve. The School Administrator

Willis, J. A. (Dec. 2007). Challenging Gifted Middle Students. Principal Leadership, Journal of National Association of Secondary School Principals. P38-42.

Willis, J.A (2007) The People of Fiji. Islands Magazine, Air Pacific, Nov 2007

Willis, J.A. (Oct. 2007). Neurological Research Relevant to the Emotional Aspects of Reading Instruction. Journal of Reading, Writing and Literacy

Willis, J.A. (2007). Preserve the Child in Every Learner,” Kappa Delta Pi Record.

Willis, J.A. ( Fall 2007). Which Brain Research Can Educators Trust? Phi Delta Kappan.

Willis, J.A., ( summer 2007). The Neuroscience of Joyful Learning. Educational Leadership, Journal of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Willis, J.A. (2007). Brain-Based Teaching Strategies for Improving Students’ Memory, Learning, and Test Taking Success. Childhood Education.

Willis, J.A. (2007). Teachable Moments Build Relational Memories. Kappa Delta Pi Record. Spring 2007.

Willis, J.A. (March 2007). Toward Neuro-logical Reading Instruction. Educational Leadership, Journal of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Willis, J.A. (February 2007). Gully in the Brain Glitch Reading Theory. Educational Leadership, Journal of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Willis, J.A., Cooperative Learning is a Brain Turn On. Middle School Journal, Journal of National Middle School Association, March 2007.

Willis, J.A. . Because. Postscript, Journal of South Coast Writing Project. Winter 2006.

Willis, J.A., NCTE's Professional Development online professional development program Pathways for Advancing Adolescent Literacy program focused on adolescent literacy Voices from the Middle article on "Adding the Science of Learning to the Art of Teaching" included as one of the professional reading selections. The online recorded interview discussed additional ways to motivate adolescent learners. Winter 2006

Willis, J.A. Assessments That Build Brain Cells. Focus on Middle School-Journal of Association for Childhood Education International. Fall 2006. Vol 19, No. 1.

Willis, J.A., Research-Based Teaching Strategies for Improving Learning Success. California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) Faculty Newsletter, Late Spring 2006.

Willis, J.A., (2006) A Writing Activity to Help Students with Attention Disorders
National Writing Project On-Line Journal, E-Voice, November-December 2006.http://

Willis, J.A. Preserve the Child in Every Learner Kappa Delta Pi Journal; Quarterly Journal of Kappa Delta Pi, Ed Honor Society. Winter 2006.

Willis, J.A. (2005). Highlighting for Understanding of Complex College Text. The National Teaching and Learning Forum. 14(6): 1-4.

Willis, J.A. (2005) The Crisis in Medicine Followed Me To Education.” Kappa Delta Pi Record, Quarterly Journal of Kappa Delta Pi, Ed Honor Society, Vol 42; Winter 2005. 59-61.

Willis, J.A. (2005). Attention: To Have and to Hold—Add the Science of Learning to the Art of Teaching to Enrich Classroom InstructionVoices from the Middle a Journal of the National Council of Teachers of English.

Willis, J.A. (2005) Pinot Noir: Life After SidewaysDecanter Magazine.

Willis, J.A. Rain, Mud, Bikes and the Power of Relationships. Middle Ground, Journal of National Middle School Association.

Willis, J.A. (2005) Sharpen Kids’ Memory with New Research” The Education Digest, Vol. 70, No 7.

Willis, J.A. (2004) Learning and the Brain: School Administrators Can Improve Teacher Effectiveness Through Instruction on How the Brain Learns,” The American Association of School Administrators Journal of Scholarship & Practice.

Willis, J.A. (2004). Who Will Tend the Fire: A Plea For Individualized Instruction" California English, a publication of the California Association of English Teachers, Issue on the Power of One Teacher.

Willis, J.A. (2005). Poetry for Left Brains. The Voice, a publication of the National
Writing Project.

Willis, J.A. Teenage Survival Guide. (1998). Kiwanis Magazine

Willis, J.A. (2005). Phones. Postscript, Journal of South Coast Writing Project.

Willis, J.A. (2006) Underwater Treasures: The wonders of the Sea. Air Pacific Magazine. November, 2006 p24-29.

Willis, J.A. (1982) Book Review for Neurological Research VOL. 4, Number 3/4.

Willis, J.A. and Goethals, G.R. (1971). Social Responsibility and Threat to Behavioral Freedom and its Determinance of Altruistic Behavior.” Journal of Personality.

Willis, J.A. (1997). White Lab Coats and Purple Feet. Wine Spectator.

Willis, J.A. Editorial Advisory Board and Contributing author for Eye Care Digest, l982-1987.

Additional freelance articles have been published in LA Times and LA Times Calendar, Medical Economics, Wine Spectator, Women Magazine, Real People, Kiwanis Magazine, Food and Home, Santa Barbara Magazine, Journal of Psychology, Air Pacific Airline Magazine, San Luis Obispo Vintage Magazine, Wine Columnist Montecito Journal, 2000-current, Valley Journal 2003-2006; Wine and Dine Magazine 2002-2006.

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