Articles about Judy Willis

American Academy of Neurology Member Spotlight, Dr. Judy Willis, “Changing Education, One Brain at a Time”. The above is the link to AANnews page. Click on June 2010 and go to pages 8-9 for article,

Dr Judy Willis and Goldie Hawn: Building Better Brains by Bringing Neuroscience into Classrooms”. Neurology Now Cover Story: Publication of the American Academy of Neurology Cover Story: March/April 2010 - Volume 6 - Issue 2 - p 14–17. Web address:

Writing and the Brain: Neuroscience Shows the Pathways to Learning: Interview with Judy Willis.
National Writing Project. Mar 3, 2011.

Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale embraced RAD teaching with gusto and write about their successes in the cover story of the Pine Crest School magazine

Articles referencing work by Judy Willis

Parenting Magazine. July 2011. Prevent Summer Brain Drain. By Barbara Rowley. P68-71

Education Week
: 'Math Anxiety' Explored in Studies: Researchers Probe Causes of Math Anxiety. Published Online: May 16, 2011. Published in Print: May 18, 2011, as 'Math Anxiety' Explored in Studies By Sarah Sparks

Harvard Educational Letter Spring 2010: Interview about collaborative learning benefits.

The Princeton Review. Prospects in Math. A White Paper by Rachael Nevins. 2008

Instructional Video Series

“Teacher Leadership in the Classroom: Increasing Learning and Achievement” Masters of Education Degree for Laureate Learning to be available April 2008. Program including presentation of RAD teaching strategies, how the brain learns and remembers best, and three demonstration classrooms with teacher instruction and commentary by Dr. Willis

Television and Radio Interviews and Podcasts

Interview Swedish TV-show for teachers called “Lärlabbet” (Translated: Teachers Lab) on website under name of the week's April 26, 2017 episode, “Hjärnan och inlärning.

Dennis Kelly Radio Interview Show: "Exploring Life ONE ride at a TIME" Oct 2, 2010. How the Brain Learns Best.

The Parent’s Journal Public Radio Program and
We are pleased to announce that
Dr. Judy Willis was recently a featured guest on the nationally syndicated, Parent’s Journal (TPJ) Public Radio program, and that the Podcast version of The Parent’s Journal is now available online. To listen to this interview, and the full TPJ podcast follow this link:

ASCD Talks With An Author “A Talk with Judy Willis” August 23, 2008 conducted by Deborah Siegel, ASCD associate editor. Teaching the Brain to Read: Strategies for Improving Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension

Distinguished Lecturer at ASCD 63rd Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

January 2008. The California chapter of ASCD podcast discussing books by Judy Willis, MD, M.Ed., Research-Based Strategies to Ignite Student Learning: Insights from a Neurologist/Classroom Teacher and Brain-Friendly Strategies for the Inclusion Classroom

AM Primetime Singapore: Featured guest discussing the neuroscience of joyful learning. 4/16/08.

The Medical Touch
– Featured medical/educational expert on an episode of this Singapore series of programs featuring different health-related topics. “How learning and mental health benefits from art, dance, and expressive therapy.” April 28, 2008

Rae Pica radio programs, "Body, Mind and Child: Preparing Your Child's Body and Mind for Life" Fall 2007

ASCD Talks With an Author - "A Talk with Judy Willis" August 16, 2006 conducted by Deborak Siegel, ASCD Associate editor.
Listen by scrolling down the webpage
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