2010 American Academy of Neurology Palatucci Advocacy Leadership Fellow: Advocacy leaders academy for neurology and education. January 2010

2010 National “Best Books Award” Finalist: Inspiring Middle School Minds: Gifted, Creative, & Challenging by Judy A. Willis, M.D., M.Ed. 

2007 Finalist for Distinguished Achievement Award for her educational writing by the Association for Educational Publishers.

2007 Selection as Distinguished Lecturer for National Conference
Association of School Superintendents and Curriculum Developers

2007 Distinguished Achievement Award Finalist: Association for Educational Publishers

2006 National Writing Project Professional Writing Retreat Fellowship

2004 Anne Coffin Johnstone Memorial Fund Grant Recipient for research and instructional improvement projects making direct contributions toward improving or illuminating the teaching-learning process.

2004 Teacher of the Month KRUZ Radio and Santa Barbara News
Diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, April l982.

California Math Council Recognition Scholarship 1999

AMA Physicians Recognition Awards, l984 - current

Excellence in Teaching Award, Cottage Hospital

Olympic Relay Torchbearer 2001

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