Dr. Judy Willis’ Recent & Popular Links
More at www.RADTeach.com

TV, Radio Interviews, Podcasts, Magazine Articles

NBC News Education Nation Staff Expert and Blogger Parent Toolkit http://www.parenttoolkit.com/?objectid=A2B84030-2A93-11E3-823F0050569A531
Most recent: NBC Education Nation Parenttoolkit: School Year's Resolution Suggestions: Dr. Judy Willis” for 2016 http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=0025AA50-63F3-11E6-A4B10050569A5318 and https://vimeo.com/135063362 Aug 2015

The Guardian: Links to all my staff blogs: http://www.theguardian.com/profile/judy-willis
Most recent: Sept 27, 2015. http://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/2015/sep/27/help-teenage-students-see-the-importance-of-sleep?CMP=share_btn_tw

npj Science of Learning Journal: npj (Nature partner journal) Science of Learning Journal is the open access research journal from the Nature Publishing Group & The University of Queensland Brain Institute (Queensland, Australia) exploring the neurobiology of learning. Links to all my staff blogs October 15, 2016- current

EURONEWS Willis Interview The role of neuroscience in education includes Judy Willis VIDEO & transcript near end of both

Why know the neuroscience of learning? An Interview with Dr. Judy Willis, Neurologist and Neuroeducation consultant. Theoretical and Practical Insights on the Science of Learning. Melbourne, Australia http://www.pearson.com.au/community/in-conversation/judy-willis-science-of-learning/

Strengthening Students Executive Functions: Video of Dr Judy Willis Opening Keynote International Conference on 21st Century Learning Hong Kong December, 2014 https://youtu.be/OEiPh-5mU8c?list=PLLAEo_qOIWdyp3aPx6DNS0oYaBRZhqbeg via @YouTube

An Interview with Dr Judy Willis: 21st Century Learning Conf
Hong Kong
https://youtu.be/DRZvYP_SEvg?list=PLLAEo_qOIWdyp3aPx6DNS0oYaBRZhqbeg via @YouTube

Australia ABC TV show Lateline Judy Willis, MD interview Apr 20, 2012 “Neuroscientist explains how to stimulate young brains”. Link with video & transcript

ABC Radio National
How children learn best Interview with Dr. Judy Willis
‘All in the Mind’ program hosted by Lynne Malcolm 10/14/12

NBC Education Nation Parenttoolkit: School Year's Resolution Suggestions: Dr. Judy Willis” for 2016 http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=0025AA50-63F3-11E6-A4B10050569A5318 and https://vimeo.com/135063362 Aug 2015

TEDx Video Game MODEL for Motivated Learning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8TPRec6OCY&feature=em-share_video_user

A Brain-Owner’s Manual: How To Boost Your Child’s Brain Power | Parent Toolkit Blog July 27, 2015 http://bit.ly/1S7ALcI

“Dr Judy Willis and Goldie Hawn are Building Better Brains by Bringing Neuroscience into Classrooms. Neurology Now: Publication of the American Academy of Neurology March/April 2010 - Volume 6 - Issue 2 - p 14–17. http://journals.lww.com/neurologynow/Fulltext/2010/06020/Golden_Opportunity.17.aspx

TEDx Video Dr. Judy Willis Jan 2013 ASB Mumbai, India. Topic “Dr. Judy Willis: Video Game Model for Motivated Learning’ - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8TPRec6OCY

TEDx Video Dr. Judy Willis Feb 1, 2012. Topic “From Neuroscience Lab to the Classroom” TEDxEnola http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHRyPbcLKis
Video Link

An Interview with Dr Judy Willis: 21st Century Learning Conf Hong Kong Dec 2015
https://youtu.be/DRZvYP_SEvg?list=PLLAEo_qOIWdyp3aPx6DNS0oYaBRZhqbeg via @YouTube


Research-Based Strategies To Ignite Student Learning: Insights from a Neurologist/Classroom Teacher
, ASCD 2006.

Brain-Friendly Strategies for the Inclusion Classroom - May 2007 ASCD

Teaching the Brain to Read: Strategies for Improving Fluency, Vocabulary and Comprehension - 2008 ASCD

Learning to Love Math: Teaching Strategies that Change Student Attitudes and Get Results, ASCD July 13, 2010

How Your Child Learns Best: Brain Friendly Strategies to Ignite Your Student's Learning and Increase School Success 2008 Sourcebooks

Inspiring Middle School Minds: Gifted, Creative, and Challenging
2009 Great Potentials Press


Upgrade Your Teaching: Understanding by Design Meets Neuroscience by Jay McTighe and Judy Willis, M.D.   Annual Editors’ Selected ASCD Membership Book  (Release Mar/Apr 2019) http://www.ascd.org/Publications/Books/Overview/Upgrade-Your-Teaching.aspx?utm_source=membership&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mmbr-Apr-2019-Book-Choice

Unlock Your Teen Brainpower: 20 Keys to Boosting Your Attention, Memory, and Efficiency. To be published 2019 by Rowman & Littlefield


Nurturing Habits of Mind in Early Childhood by Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick just released by ASCD. Available to read: Chapter 1. Brain Development in Children 2 to 7 by Judy Willis, M.D.

Ongoing Staff Expert and Blogger

Edutopia’s 'Big Thinker on Education' and Staff Blogger
“Meet Dr Judy Willis, EDUTOPIA Staff Blogger”  https://www.edutopia.org/users/judy-willis-md (This works best if you cut and paste web address)

Psychology How Children Learn online staff writer: Articles regarding learning and the brain: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/radical-teaching
Sample Articles:
Want Children to “Pay Attention”? Make Their Brains Curious! (http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/radical-teaching/201005/want-children-pay-attention-make-their-brains-curious

Why Healthy Teenagers Die: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/radical-teaching/201002/why-healthy-teenagers-die

The Guardian Columnist about Teaching and Learning: http://www.theguardian.com/profile/judy-willis

NBC News Education Nation
Staff Expert and Blogger Parent Toolkit
Most recent: NBC Education Nation Parenttoolkit: School Year's Resolution Suggestions: Dr. Judy Willis” for 2016 http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=0025AA50-63F3-11E6-A4B10050569A5318 and https://vimeo.com/135063362 Aug 2015

Kids in the House:
25 Parenting Videos by Dr. Judy Willis
http://www.kidsinthehouse.com/expert/parenting-advice-from-judy-willis-md-med#page=/video/meet-judy-willis-md-med or http://www.kidsinthehouse.com/search/site/willis#

Barclays’ LifeSkills Expert Blogger:
Five steps to developing students’ mindsets for tomorrow’s challenges. Barclays’ LifeSkills Expert Blog. September 1, 2016. https://www.barclayslifeskills.com/teachers/blog/five-steps-to-developing-students-life-skills-for-the-future/#.V8mjMfTz9wM.mailto

ASCD Edge Webpage:

Brain Compatible Learning ASCD EDGE discussion group director: http://edge.ascd.org/_Brain-Compatible-Learn/group/112696/127586.html

Judy Willis Author Page ASCD: links to video interviews about topics in my 4 ASCD books and links to their free study guides as well as posts: http://ascd.org/Publications/Authors/Judy_Willis.aspx?id=31085086001&nvid=a7b1

My Website: There are links to most of my articles and chapters of my books on my www.RADTeach.com website.

Recent Publications Online

Willis, J.A. (2019) Cognitive Priming: Engage their Minds. Pages 34-36
STEM Magazine Feb: www.stemmagazine.com/gFslro19

Willis, J. A. (2019)  Applying Learning in Multiple Contexts by Judy Willis, M.D. Edutoia https://www.edutopia.org/article/applying-learning-multiple-contexts

Willis, J. A. (2018) Awesome Insights about Learning from Brain-Savvy Teens Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/radical-teaching/201809/awesome-insights-about-learning-brain-savvy-teens

Willis, J. A. (2018) The Value of Active Listening. Edutopia. July 13, 2018

Willis, J.A. (2018) Games to help your child learn to read. Parent Info Web. http://parentinfo2.dev.nologostudio.ru/article/games-to-help-your-child-learn-to-read
Willis, J.A. (2018). Building Your Child's Flexible And Creative Thinking
Parent Toolkit from NBC Education Nation June 11, 2018 http://www.parenttoolkit.com/social-and-emotional-development/news/self-awareness/building-your-child-s-flexible-and-creative-thinking

Resilience — A Sustaining Gift for Your Children | Psychology Today. 2017.

Willis, J.A. (2018). Building Your Child's Flexible And Creative Thinking
Parent Toolkit from NBC Education Nation June 11, 2018 http://www.parenttoolkit.com/social-and-emotional-development/news/self-awareness/building-your-child-s-flexible-and-creative-thinking

Willis, J.A. (2018)  Help children understand and remember what the read. Psychology Today.
March 22, 2018. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/share/1112066/fb

Willis, J.A. (2017) Brain-Based Strategies to Reduce Test Stress. Edutopia. Apr 7, 2017.

Willis, J. A. (2016). Conquering the Multitasking Brain Drain.
Edutopia. October 25, 2016

Willis, J. A. (2016). The Neurological Reason Why Your Middle Schooler Acts Like a Toddler.
Education Nation Parent Toolkit. August 25, 2016

Willis, J. A. (2016). Help Your Middle Schooler Go from Survive to Thrive.
Education Nation Parent Toolkit. August 21, 2016. http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=29315870-63E1-11E6-A4B10050569A5318

Willis, J. A. (2016). How to Get Kids to Focus. Staff Expert Blog NBC
Education Nation Parent Toolkit August 08, 2016 http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=7A7CB2D0-5B51-11E6-838E0050569A5318&utm_source=social&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=blog

Willis, J. A. (2016). Building Students' Cognitive Flexibility
. Edutopia. July 22, 2016

Willis, J. A. (2016). Critical Analysis and Information Literacy Edutopia June 21, 2016

Study Skills: The Power of Using Multiple Senses. Expert Blog. Education Nation Parent Toolkit. March 14, 2016.

Prioritizing: A Critical Executive Function.
Edutopia Staff Blog March 7, 2016

Why Gifted Children Fail and How to Prevent It. NBC Education Nation Parent Toolkit. Feb 15, 2016

Brain Development and Adolescent Growth Spurts.
Edutopia. February 11, 2016.

Matching Edtech Products With Neurological Learning Goals.
Edutopia Staff Blog. Jan. 28, 2016 http://www.edutopia.org/blog/edtech-products-neurological-learning-goals-judy-willis

The science of resilience: how to teach students to persevere. January 12.
The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/2016/jan/12/science-resilience-how-to-teach-students-persevere?CMP=share_btn_link

Neuromyths and Edu-Ca$h-In: Vetting the "Expert" Claims Edutopia. January 8, 2016 http://www.edutopia.org/blog/neuromyths-educashin-vetting-expert-claims-judy-willis?utm_campaign=node_author_alert&utm_source=edutopia&utm_medium=email

“I Hate Math” – Ways to Instill a Love of Math in Kids
Education Nation Parent Toolkit Blog March 30, 2015 http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=3F239F10-D3E8-11E4-8E8A0050569A5318

Build Your Young Child’s Future School Success NOW. Psychology Today Online. June 27 2015. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/radical-teaching/201506/build-your-young-child-s-future-school-success-now * Featured as Essential Read

How to Turn Test Stress into Studying Success.
Education Nation Parent Toolkit http://bit.ly/1EQMzts May 04, 2015

Prime Your Child’s Reading and Math Development with Patterning Games. Dr. Judy Willis.
Psychology Today. April 2015 http://bit.ly/1GkGXro

The High Cost of Neuromyths in Education. Edutopia January 16, 2015

The Science Of Homework: Tips To Engage Students' Brains The Guardian FEB 23 2015 http://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/2015/feb/23/science-homework-students-brains-learning

Brain science: the answer to helping primary pupils cope with exam stress. The Guardian May 7, 2015 http://gu.com/p/485at/sbl

Popular Videos, Articles, and Staff Blogs

Brain Games to help your child learn to read: Unlocking the Puzzle of the Brain & Reading NBC News Education Nation Parent Toolkit. February 2, 2015 http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=326573E0-A7E0-11E4-B6B70050569A5318

“I Hate Math” – Ways to Instil a Love of Math in Kids March 30, 2015 Education Nation Parent Toolkit http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=3F239F10-D3E8-11E4-8E8A0050569A5318#

Flipped Out:
How the digital revolution is turning learning upside down (Cover story Southwest Airlines Spirit Magazine interview comments) http://4lakidsnews.blogspot.com/2013/08/flipped-out-new-school-how-digital.html

What Edtech Can You Trust?
Edutopia Staff blog. November 18, 2014.

Good Praise, Bad Praise
for NBC News Education Nation: Jan 2014 http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=0A598840-7722-11E3-A4E20050569A5318#

The Neuroscience Behind Stress and Learning
http://www.edutopia.org/blog/neuroscience-behind-stress-and-learning-judy-willis Edutopia Staff Blog. July 18, 2014

The Neuroscience of Joyful Learning
Educational Leadership vol 64. ASCD

Want Children to “Pay Attention”? Make Their Brains Curious!
Force-feeding won’t work even on a hungry brain

Top 10 Memory Tips
(PDF) at http://bit.ly/7ZpBz2 Then go to "download as media" at the top

How The Memory Works In Learning (Dec 2012)

The Simple Things I Do To Promote Brain-Based Learning In My Classroom in TeachThough Oct 2013 http://www.teachthought.com/learning/the-simple-things-i-do-to-promote-brain-based-learning-in-my-classroom/

Keep Students From Turning Off Their Brains in TeachThought 10/16/2013, http://www.teachthought.com/learning/5-teaching-strategies-keep-students-turningbrains/?utm_content=bufferc742b&utm_source=buffer&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Buffer

Five Assessment Forms That Promote Content Retention by Judy Willis. Edutopia Staff Blog. Mar 17, 2014.

Three Questions To Consider Before You Give A Test. TeachTought Issue 03/16/2014. https://www.google.com/analytics/web/?pli=1#home/a30482055w56947284p58157304/

Understanding How the Brain Thinks: Edutopia Staff 6-PART Blog Series about Building Executive Functions
Understanding How the Brain Thinks (Part 1)
The Brain-Based Benefits of Writing for Math and Science Learning (Part 2)
Improving Executive Function: Teaching Challenges and Opportunities. (Part 3) http://bit.ly/p1oTbO
Three Brain-based Teaching Strategies to Build Executive Function in Students (Part 4) http://bit.ly/nCy5Id
Three Strategies for Using the Arts to Build Student Executive Functions (Part 5) http://bit.ly/xFnJO8
Executive Function, Arts Integration and Joyful Learning (Part 6) http://bit.ly/yI2NLa

ASCD “How the Brain Learns” Webpage/blog Group managed by Judy Willis: Open Membership. http://edge.ascd.org/group/how-the-brain-learns

ASK Dr. Judy” Free ASCD Archived Brain-Based Learning Strategies Webinars. Video and pdf multiple ed topics http://bit.ly/PDwSK1 & scroll down

ASCD Author Page for Judy Willis http://www.ascd.org/Publications/ascd-authors/judy-willis.aspx

How to Teach Students About Their Brains

  How to Teach Students About the Brain link:

  What You Should Know About Your Brain link:
or http://www.ascd.org/ASCD/pdf/journals/ed_lead/el200912_willis.pdf

Books by Judy Willis, M.D.

Research-Based Strategies To Ignite Student Learning: Insights from a Neurologist/Classroom Teacher
, ASCD 2006 http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/107006.aspx

Learning to Love Math: Teaching Strategies that Change Student Attitudes and Get Results,
ASCD 2010 http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/108073.aspx?utm_source=ascdfacebook&utm_medium=social-media&utm_campaign=math-willis-fb

The Neuroscience of Learning: Principles and Applications for Educators. (2014) Bridgepoint Education, Inc. https://learn.thuze.com/store/product/THUZE.HSS.PSY.9781621781639

How Your Child Learns Best
: Brain-Based Ways to Ignite Learning and Increase School Success. Foreword by Goldie Hawn. Sourcebooks: 2008. http://www.amazon.com/Your-Child-Learns-Best-Brain-Friendly/dp/1402213468

Teaching the Brain to Read: Strategies for Improving Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension ASCD August 2008. http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/107073.aspx

Brain-Friendly Strategies for the Inclusion Classroom, ASCD 2007 http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/107040.aspx

Inspiring Middle School Minds: Gifted, Creative, And Challenging. Great Potentials Press, 2008. http://amzn.to/1wwMsg4

Upgrade Your Teaching: Understanding by Design Meets Neuroscience by Jay McTighe and Judy Willis, M.D.   Annual Editors’ Selected ASCD Membership Book  (Release Mar/Apr 2019) http://www.ascd.org/Publications/Books/Overview/Upgrade-Your-Teaching.aspx?utm_source=membership&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mmbr-Apr-2019-Book-Choice

Unlock Your Teen Brainpower: 20 Keys to Boosting Your Attention, Memory, and Efficiency. To be published 2019 by Rowman & Littlefield.

Parenting Articles, Videos, Blogs

Psychology Today Online: Staff expert blogger: Dr. Judy Willis’ RAD Teaching Connections from Neuroscience Research to the Classroom

Video: Parenting to Develop Your Children’s Critical Skillsets for 21
st Century Success: http://www.gotocoffeebreak.com/portfolio/march-2013/
Laguna Beach PTA Parent Education. March 2013

25 Parenting Videos by Dr. Judy Willis Kids in the House
http://www.kidsinthehouse.com/expert/parenting-advice-from-judy-willis-md-med#page=/video/meet-judy-willis-md-med or http://www.kidsinthehouse.com/search/site/willis#

NBC News Education Nation Parent Toolkit Staff Expert, Consultant, and Staff Blogger http://www.parenttoolkit.com/index.cfm?objectid=A2B84030-2A93-11E3-823F0050569A5318

A Brain-Owner’s Manual: How To Boost Your Child’s Brain Power. NBC Education Nation ParentToolkit

Social Networks

Twitter: Judy Willis link

Amazon Author Central Author Page Judy Willis, M.D. http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B002LLQV3Q

Facebook under RADTeach.com and under Judy Willis


Many pages of links to my work, books, articles, interviews on over 50 pages of Google “Judy Willis” or “Dr Judy Willis”

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